Friday, February 22, 2008


It's official. Nothing happened. I'm not wasting anymore time on this crap. Believe in something else guys coz this 'secret' is not real.
Show's over folks!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Back On The Horse!

I'm back in the game. Those yahoo groups peeps really helped. Meanwhile, I've yet to see any results. I'm doing it until the end of February, afterall, I can only go so long looking like a fool.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Yahoo Groups

Two days ago I joined a yahoo group on Law of Attraction hoping that I would get some much needed support and encouragement to continue on my experiment. I asked for real life testimonials on how this law has worked in other people's lives. I got some responses, but to be honest, they weren't that convincing. Much of the stories and results happened either before they heard of the 'law of attraction', or without them consciously/purposely practising it.
Maybe that's a sign that I should just forget about it, in hopes that one day I'll actually put it into effect by mistake. Hahaha!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Losing Speed

I'm ready to throw in the towel. Almost a month and nothing - completely nothing. I know I stopped doing it for a couple of days - okay more than a couple, but still... Really disheartening this program. One of the reviews in said the whole show looked like a long infomercial.

Perhaps it is just that.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


I haven't been doing my visualization for the past 4 days, I'm not sure if it's because I'm just tired before doing it, or because I'm tired of doing it. I tend to think the latter since I've not seen any change in my life from doing it. I'm finding excuses.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Neuro Associative Conditioning

I have a confession to make, I haven't done my daily visualizing for the past 3 days. Not that I didn't want to, but for some reason I fall asleep, and the next thing I know it's morning. Bah. The sensible solution to this is to do it earlier in the evening - or maybe in the afternoon even, so even if I fall asleep I can make a second attempt.

Tony Robbins talks about conditioning the mind to do things we don't want to do in his tapes. He says that we have to associate not doing it to something really painful or bad, so as we're pushed to do it instead. Sounds good to me.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

How Does One Stop Time

This has nothing to do with my blog, but it's sooo cool I just have to share it!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Power of Visualization

As mentioned, I've been listening to the Anthony Robbins tapes and he teaches visualization in his programs. He mentioned 2 of the attendees of his programs winning the lottery after visualizing it. One of the 2 won twice within a year even. That gave me something to hold on to, to continue this experiment I'm doing. The universe does not recognize "big" things from "small" things (why am I not surprised). Granting me my dream job is supposedly juat as easy as making me win a million bucks. I'm not a lotto person, thus, I shall keep visualizing my goals.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Motivational Programs

Spent the past couple of days listening to Anthony Robbins programs. This guy is so entertaining, he does lift my spirits up. He also talks much sense. I think this is what it's like to be doing what you love and being the best at it.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Nothing's Happening

I feel frustrated, demotivated and a little stupid. Been doing this for roughly a week and no, I still haven't found a job, no I'm not getting more money - or any money at all actually, and no I'm not in a particularly happier disposition than when I started. But I have 3 more weeks to go, damn. You guys have any luck?

I need a sign.

Monday, January 28, 2008


So how are things coming along for you? I am finding it easier to concentrate when I have soothing instrumental music on. It also prevents me from dozing off. I burn candles in a dark quiet room, sit in a comfortable position and have a go at it. I usually do it at night as I'm not a morning person.

I also go the The Secret website and read the stories in the Treasure Chest page often. I find it inspiring - eventhough it is uncertain if those stories are true. Doesn't matter. My focus is on myself and anything that will help me I will use.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

5 Ways to Feel Good

One of the things I find most challenging is being in a state of feeling good. Obviously, if everything was working out and I was all happy and contented, then I wouldn't be doing this experiment. So, in case any of you have the same problem, here are some ideas.

1. Play with your pet - assuming you like animals and have one.

2. Help someone - random acts of kindness is really good.

3. Perform your hobby - be it knitting, gardening, watching TV or reading a book, this should put you in a good mood. Unless of course you're reading or watching some depressing material... like the newspaper or the evening news.

4. Learn or do something fun/new. This might not be time consuming, but generally speaking, doing and/or learning something new tends to make you feel good. Like bunjee jumping, baking a cake, learning Italian or starting your own blog.

5. Start a Gratitude Journal. Writing 5 things that you're grateful for in your life everyday somehow changes the way you see things. There are always things to be grateful for, like the eyes to see, ears to hear, legs to walk. Be thankful that you're not sleeping on the street or a homeless shelter, that you have a computer with internet, that you can read and write...

In an ideal world I'd list 5 more ideas here. But as mentioned I'm having trouble myself. Any suggestions would be welcomed.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

The Basic Steps

1. Know what you want. Be clear about it. You don't need know how it's going to come to you. Just focus on the outcome.

2. Make sure you are genuinely feeling good before you start your visualization/meditation.

3. In a quiet place, focus on what you want for atleast 68 uninterrupted seconds (the longer the better though). They did not mention for how many days or years you have to this, probably until you get what you want. For the purposes of this experiment, I'm giving myself 30 days.

4. Visualize what you want as reality, not as a future possible event. Associate the feelings of happinness and excitement you'd be in if it had actually happened already. Attach strong positive passionate emotion to the intention. Negative emotion blocks/slows the speed of your intention.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Main Idea

I just finished reading this Abraham Hicks recording, just to make sure I got the concepts down. To save you the trouble of buying and going through all those material, here's the basic concept.

1. Law of Attraction is absolute. It means like attracts like, thus if you whatever you contemplate - good or bad, is attracted to you.

2. The universe only responds to thoughts and images, so all you have to do is think/visualize what you want, and it will be attracted/brought to you.

3. Thoughts without emotion though has no power. E
motion is the communication system of the non-physical. Positive emotion means you’re in line with your inner being, while negative emotion means you’re disconnected. To make your visualization effective, it has to be accompanied with good feelings. Intending something without emotion doesn’t have attraction power.

4. "Good feelings" means feeling happy, excited, grateful, etc. It is important to put onself in a state of feeling good before and during visualization as this is the magic ingredient that will trigger the Law of Attraction in a powerful way.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Secret

I just finished watching The Secret DVD and listening to its audio book. I'm at a point in my life where I am in need of a job, money and a happy life in general. I'm going to try giving this a go as I can't possibly come off worse than where I am now.

From the time it's been released, The Secret has gained many believers, and also many haters. It even came out on Oprah and magazines from Newsweek to Good Housekeeping had written articles about it. But the truth is in the pudding. I hope if there are any of you out there who have or are also trying it out, would join me in this life changing journey - that is, if it works.